Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hot Hot HOT

Hot Hot HOT!! Summer is finally here.

Matt and Dawn headed to West Virginia Friday afternoon for a grown-ups get-together. The plan was that Brandon and Sophia would spend Friday night until Sunday midday with Nana and Pap, Matt's parents, at their campsite. However, Sophia had been invited to spend Saturday afternoon at a pool party with some schoolmates. Allowed to decide whether it would be friends or family, she chose friends. So she stayed with me.

Saturday's weather yielded cloudless skies and a temperature topping 90°. I had to work, and the parents of the party hostess congenially offered to let me drop off Sophia early. When I returned to pick her up, she showed me some new water skills and then, without repeated requests from me, Sophia thanked her hosts, gathered her belongings and we headed home. The high outdoor temperature had warmed the inside air. Thank heaven for ceiling fans. As long as we didn't exert ourselves, we were comfortable.

I had prepared fresh corn-on-the-cob for Friday's dinner and Sophia ate her share and half of mine. On the way from from the gift shop Saturday, I picked up more corn. Dinner was light -- corn, cantaloupe and grapes -- and early -- 5:30. After playing hard through the hot afternoon, I expected Sophia to crash before dark. I was wrong. She was in bed at 8:00, but unable to go to sleep. An hour later, I sent her in to try again and she was successful.

I woke up this morning to find her in my bed. Kitty (the cat) routinely wakes up and demands breakfast (meowing incessantly) about 7:00. In order to let Sophia sleep, I had to get up to feed her. While Sophia slept, I sat on the porch and read the newspaper until 9:00 when she appeared beside me, tossle-headed and sleepy-eyed.

And so another day had begun. I anticipated a physically lazy day to recuperate from Saturday's activities. For me, that is. I think Sophia will be back in the water at home this afternoon.

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