But fall is here. There was frost on the roof earlier this week, but it didn't reach the ground. Summer flowers are still blooming. Instead of posting a note, I should be outdoors clearing them out of the garden. My excuse is that there will be a warmer day, perhaps as early as tomorrow, in which to tackle the task. Some preparatory work has been done, however. I had the carpets cleaned after postponing the job until the kids were back in school and not here as much to drop crumbs or spill drinks. That job completed, I wheeled in the large plant container that houses the ten-year-old hibiscus. It was a prolific bloomer throughout the summer and I didn't want to lose it to freezing temperatures. In addition, the screen in the front door has been replaced by the glass panels, but I still need to remove other screens before the snow arrives.
Brandon's football season is finished. Their record shows fewer wins than losses, but I'm proud of the skills he has learned and the teamwork exhibited by all the boys on the Panthers team. The weather yesterday was mostly sunny as opposed to the rain at last week's game. There was nothing fun about sitting in four layers of clothes covered by a Niagara Falls Maid of the Mist blue plastic poncho. Brandon had told Dawn earlier in the season that he wanted to play a game in the rain. He didn't look so enthused when he came off the field coated in mud and dripping water from his fingertips.
As a hospital volunteer, I was able to get a seasonal flu shot Tuesday at no charge. In and out in less than three minutes. Glad I didn't delay. Brandon went to school on Tuesday and the school called 30 minutes after his arrival to ask Dawn to come get him. She took him to the doctor on Wednesday. The practice had already diagnosed several cases of flu and Brandon was sent home with a prescription for Tamiflu and instructions to rest. His fever broke on Thursday, and he stayed home from school Friday to obey the 24-hours fever-free before rejoining society. Saturday morning he was back to being his normal self, so was able to play in his last football game for the season. As quarterback, he ran in one play for a touchdown. It was hard to tell who was more excited -- him or his family.
Sophia's finally losing her primary teeth. The two bottom teeth came out early this year. One of her top teeth came out as she ate an apple a few weeks ago. The other, the central incisor that she knocked loose when she fell against the bedside table while jumping on the bed a couple years ago, has been resistant to letting go. And the lateral incisor next to it, instead of loosening, seems to be climbing up her gum. Dawn is taking her to the dentist tomorrow for examination and anticipated removal of both teeth. Sophia seems nonchalant about the visit.
While we watched Brandon's game yesterday, a woman walked through the crowd carrying a large box with FREE KITTENS printed in red poster paint on it. There were three adorable fluffy, soon-to-be long-haired kittens inside. I've already made up my mind to get two kittens when it's time. For
thirty seconds I thought about getting a small dog, but taking care of cats is much easier than tending dogs. Still, I'm pushing adoption day away. I want to wait until after the visit to California to see Brett and Michelle in November, because I don't want to have to board them. I am also enjoying the peaceful mornings I've had since the end of August when Kitty died. No animal with an internal alarm clock announcing that it's time for breakfast. No need for me to be quiet so I don't rouse sleeping (and therefore still) pets. I have really enjoyed that aspect of being without pets. (Photo source: icanhascheezburger.com)
The new four-letter word? Snow. It's just a matter of days.........
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