Last summer Grandma Sherry had an abundance of ornamental milkweed that she'd planted. I don't know whether she intended to host monarch butterfly caterpillars, but that is indeed what she did. By late summer multiple caterpillars seemed to be on every plant, and there were a lot of plants. Looking for the caterpillars was like looking for Easter eggs.
Eventually the caterpillars disappeared, but were discovered as chrysalises hanging from the siding and soffit of her condo. We were diligent as we watched day to day as the chrysalises changed from light green to translucent and the colorful wings could be seen as they matured. And ultimately there came the bittersweet days as we watched the butterflies emerge, quickly dry their wings and fly off.
Early in the spring I purchased some milkweed seeds. Around Mother's Day, when the chance of frost is said to be past, the kids cultivated the small dirt strip along my patio and planted the seeds. As I sit here now, I count six plants. Three are healthy, although no milk pods have appeared, one looks puny, and two are merely marking time until frost takes them.
Caterpillars - top middle and lower right |
About a month ago, Sophia ran into the house to announce she'd found a caterpillar! We went out together and found four. In the next three days, they all disappeared, off to find a spot for their chrysalises.
Last week I was sitting on the porch and saw a monarch butterfly hanging from the limb of a nearby plant, slowly opening and closing its wings. I bent down, encouraged it to climb onto my finger, and moved it to the butterfly plant. There it stayed, continuing to open and close its wings. When I looked later in the evening it was gone.
Once again, this afternoon I am sitting on the patio. A few minutes ago I glanced at the largest of the plants and saw a new caterpillar. Closer inspection revealed a second, and both are about half the size of a mature caterpillar! This is the third "crop" of caterpillars, and I am in awe at being able to witness the monarch's life cycle!
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